Process and Timetable

To be eligible, designers and architects must be based in Victoria and the majority of the design work must have been done in Victoria.

Entries are judged by a panel of national and international design experts representing the diverse range of design disciplines showcased by the awards.

All jury members are required to sign the Victorian Premier's Design Awards Judges Code of Conduct.

Round One: Online Evaluation
Australian and international jury members evaluate entries against the Judging Criteria in their designated category. Successful finalists proceed to Round Two.

Round Two: In-Person Evaluation
A smaller selection of judges meet in-person to evaluate the Finalists and determine which projects will receive the Victorian Premier’s Design Award Highly Commended, Victorian Premier’s Design Award Best in Category Award and the coveted Victorian Premier’s Design Award of the Year.

2024 Awards Timetable

20 MAY 2024

Call for Entry Opens

02 AUGUST 2024

Extended Deadline




Finalists Announced


Awards Ceremony

Judging Criteria

Entries in the Victorian Premier’s Design Awards are evaluated against four (4) main criteria and awarded accolades in the order outlined below. Questions have been provided below each criterion to act as prompts to applicants while completing their submission. Applicants are strongly encouraged to address the criteria in their submission(s) to allow the Jury to better understand the design merits of the project and how their project(s) addresses the Judging Criteria.

  • Is it evident the project has gone through a professional design process?
  • Has the design been professionally executed and finished?
  • Has the design team met or exceeded the design brief?
  • Does the project satisfy the fundamental criteria for good design including attributes such as functionality, aesthetics, safety, quality and sustainability?
  • Is there a holistic high-quality, fit for purpose user experience factored into the design deliverable?
  • Does the project set a new benchmark for design excellence in Victoria and will it communicate the benefits of investing in professional design?
  • Does the project solve a legitimate problem or create a new opportunity in a truly innovative and imaginative manner?
  • Is the project unique and does it offer any new and/or ground-breaking design features?
  • Is the design user-centred and does it answer the individual needs of its users and respond to their circumstances?
  • Does the project have the potential to make a positive impact from a Social, Environmental and/or Commercial perspective?
  • Does the design adhere to the principles of a Circular Economy such as designing out waste, minimising materials, regenerating natural systems and using processes that have the least possible environmental impact in their use and at the end of their life cycle?
  • Does the project build on and contribute to the reputation and status of Victoria’s design and creative culture?
  • Is it evident the project has gone through a professional design process?
  • Has the design been professionally executed and finished?
  • Has the design team met or exceeded the design brief?
  • Does the project satisfy the fundamental criteria for good design including attributes such as functionality, aesthetics, safety, quality and sustainability?
  • Is there a holistic high-quality, fit for purpose user experience factored into the design deliverable?
  • Does the project set a new benchmark for design excellence in Victoria and will it communicate the benefits of investing in professional design?
  • Does the project solve a legitimate problem or create a new opportunity in a truly innovative and imaginative manner?
  • Is the project unique and does it offer any new and/or ground-breaking design features?
  • Is the design user-centred and does it answer the individual needs of its users and respond to their circumstances?
  • Does the project have the potential to make a positive impact from a Social, Environmental and/or Commercial perspective?
  • Does the design adhere to the principles of a Circular Economy such as designing out waste, minimising materials, regenerating natural systems and using processes that have the least possible environmental impact in their use and at the end of their life cycle?
  • Does the project build on and contribute to the reputation and status of Victoria’s design and creative culture?

View highlights from the 2022 Awards Night

Credit Kit Heselden

Read more about the 2022 Award Winners