Finalist 2024

vabsRider by ataraxyBSC

ataraxyBSC / Whistle Design Group Pty Ltd / Philippe Guichard 

The vabsRider bike seat. Designed to glide with the natural movement of the body, creating a pain-free, enjoyable riding experience.

Introducing vabsRider, a world-first bike seat that moves dynamically with the rider. Designed, built and tested by ataraxy Bicycle Seat Company (BSC), this revolutionary split-seat design glides with the natural movement of the body, creating a pain-free, enjoyable cycling experience for all riders, regardless of their level of experience.

Design Brief:

ataraxyBSC was founded by Robin Macan. A casual bike rider who enjoys riding but not the pain of it, he questioned how a more comfortable bike seat could be designed. In 2016, Robin began workshopping a new approach that he believed could forever change the cycling experience. The theory, which formed the basis of the design brief, was to develop a design to support each leg, rather than the current saddle which puts pressure on the sit bones and often leaves riders, particularly those more infrequent or casual ones, in pain. Robin identified that this creates a barrier that prevents some people from riding bikes regularly or even at all. ”There must be a better way!”

This project was developed by:

Design Process

The process of answering the design challenge began in 2016, with the very first prototypes made from dissected plastic seats, foam sheets, glues and tapes. The idea of a split-seat design was born, and testing began. Through an 8 year journey, ataraxyBSC engaged with Melbourne-based design firms to fulfill their vision and transform the idea from rough prototypes into a production design ready for the global stage. ataraxyBSC engaged the services of Phillipe Guichard of D2 Design and Development, and the team at Whistle Design Group to guide the product development. Having the right team on hand was a significant financial investment for ataraxyBSC, but this professional lead approach underpins the quality of the final design outcome.

The design of the vabsRider progressed through hundreds of prototypes. The design was developed in 3D CAD using state-of-the art tools that allowed components to be tested virtually, and functionally tested with 3D printing and other direct to fabrication methods. An important cornerstone of the design process was to take an iterative approach, building learnings and optimising the design through a continuous Design, Build, Test loop.

The user experience and ergonomics were at the forefront of the design process. Every design decision ultimately came back to this point and the question - Is the design achieving the ultimate goal of creating a pain-free, enjoyable riding experience?

The vabsRider by ataraxyBSC delivers on the design brief, and brings to life a vision of better, more comfortable ride. The vabsRider is a highly functional product, purpose built to achieve a revolutionary outcome. The quality of the delivered product embodies the professionalism and experience of the design teams involved.

Design Excellence

The form and function of the vabsRider is a direct outcome of our first principles approach to design, and consideration of dynamic human movement, which is embodied in the design solution.

Its profiles are drawn from an arc centred on the rider’s hip joint. Following this “virtual-axis” allows the seat to dynamically respond to the motion of the rider’s leg. Each pad is precisely contoured for maximum support ensuring ultimate comfort.

The design and materiality of vabsRider is inspired by hi-tech, modern bike trends. The vabsRider blends purposeful mechanical forms and a considered design aesthetic to convey quality and create brand identity.

A review of global safety standards found several were inadequate for testing non-standard designs (e.g. ISO4210-9). Ataraxy tested beyond standard limits, prioritising robustness, durability, and strength. Design focus included removing hazardous pinch points from all moving parts.

Crafted in Melbourne and Taiwan, vabsRider comprises precision machined mechanical parts from anodised aircraft-grade aluminum, brass, and engineering plastics. The body of the seat has been designed for longevity, the hand upholstered seat pads are interchangeable and replaceable

Initial production prioritises high-quality, seen as crucial for a successful global launch. Low-volume methods are used for the 2024 launch. With high-volume production to be adopted in 2025 and beyond to meet expected demand.

In 2024, the bicycle remains the world’s most popular form of assisted transport. With a patent pending design, truly unique in a large global market, ataraxyBSC is positioned to make a significant return of their investment in design and innovation. Within a week of its public launch in June 2024, videos of the vabsRider exploded across social media platforms, engaging millions of viewers around the world. Bringing significant global attention to ataraxyBSC, and highlighting the value of investing in design right here in Victoria, Australia.

Design Innovation

The development of the vabsRider started with the question - Does a traditional bike saddle perform its function well? Is saddle soreness an unavoidable reality of cycling or is a new approach needed to address fundamental problems with the user experience?

By starting with these questions, and an open minded and enthusiastic approach to new ideas, every aspect of this product exudes innovation. And we are certain that this can be seen upon viewing the vabsRider for the first time.

With a first principles approach to design, ataraxyBSC has re-thought and re-imagined a design that has existed for centuries. Through an 8-year journey of ongoing investment in research and development, ataraxy embraced an attitude of breaking convention. Innovation is not an afterthought or a buzz word, it is core to the mission ataraxy set out to achieve.

Through the journey many prototypes have been built, tested and refined. A process of continuous design-build-test iterations that have led to the design in its current form - the vabsRider.

The key innovation of the vabsRider is its dynamic, split-seat layout. The seat’s movement is designed to rotate around a virtual axis that exists across the rider’s pelvis connecting their hip joints. The vabsRider dynamically responds to the motion of the rider’s leg when cycling, providing unmatched support throughout the ride.

ataraxy’s vabsRider is a world-first design with many world-first features. It is proudly unique and subject to several worldwide patent applications.

Design Impact

ataraxyBSC was founded to make an impact for riders around the world. Through the vabsRider we have created an opportunity for people to start riding, ride more, ride further, or ride as far as their e-bike battery will take them. In turn, this has great benefits to our society, our health and our environment.

Testing of the vabsRider has measured positive feedback on the comfort felt when compared to a standard saddle, on the feeling that the vabsRider will allow longer and more frequent riding, and most of all, the lack of saddle soreness.

ataraxyBSC recognised from the outset that a dedicated and driven focus on good design would be needed to achieve their mission. Embracing the design process was fundamental to rethinking the convention and developing a product that could remove existing barriers for those wanting to ride.

As the business grows there will be a greater opportunity to explore sustainable practices, such as material recycling, and re-use, to ensure that the vabsRider remains with ataraxyBSC’s goal to be environmentally conscious.

ataraxyBSC is focussed on e-bikes and recreational bicycles for its 2024 launch. Commercially there are current opportunities to expand into exercise bikes, fitness equipment, and the important area of medical and physical rehabilitation.

ataraxyBSC believes that improved design solutions for cycling and personal mobility is a way to help cities de-couple population growth from increased emissions, and to improve air quality and road safety. In line with the EU’s mobility strategy to make urban mobility healthy and sustainable.

Product Design 2024 Finalists

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