Finalist 2022

Paint Pot Pro

Vincenzo Trombi

There is no comparable painters’ tool in the global market with the features and safety-design of the Paint Pot Pro®.

Victorian invention with an Australian Patent, the Paint Pot Pro® is a hardware product that addresses ladder-related fall injuries by supporting painters’ during painting tasks. Paint Pot Pro® is the ultimate painter’s aid. The pot, designed for brush and mini-roller, has a detachable handle that transforms into a multi-use utility tool. These features are a world first and 20-years in the making. Delivering 14 practical functions, safety during ladder-use was paramount during product design. With the magnetised brush rest and belt-clip loops the painter can abide by the ‘three-point of safety ladder rule’. Almost 100% RoHS approved and eco-friendly.

Design Brief:

Painters, especially DIY painters, often don’t realise the dangers in using ladders during painting tasks. Globally, falls from ladders are the second leading cause of unintentional injury and deaths. The painters market required a product that could support painters safety during ladder use. Hence, at the forefront of product design was safety. This included creating a product that enabled painters to abide by the ‘three-point of safety ladder-rule’. That is, two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand on the ladder at all times. We also needed a product to support the multiple needs of painters during painting tasks.

The intended outcomes were to improve painting efficiency and reduce costs of tools. The multiple features of the pot and detachable/attachable utility-tool-handle achieved these outcomes. This product reduces plastic waste; and is made using factory plants and materials that comply with contemporary RoHS approved environmental standards.

This project was developed by:

Design Process

The Paint Pot Pro® is an Australian grass-root dream that, with over 20 years of dedication, became a Patented invention. To turn a dream into reality required a collaborative team approach comprising of experts from various fields and disciplines relevant to product design and manufacture. In its embryotic stage, the product design involved sketches and drawings.

This was followed by commissioning Australian designers and industrial architects to produce CAD files and rendered 3D CGI imaging. This imaging was then used to create 3D printing models. From these live samples further adjustments and improvements were made in an on-going consultation with the industrial designers in a continuous loop with further 3D models made. Once a suitable manufacturing plant was identified, the inventor visited this plant in China to ensure the product was made in modern non sweat shop working conditions for employees. Further, he worked with the factory plant industrial designers to affirm the product was of high quality and robust construction, only using eco and environmentally friendly plastics, and that the factory complied with RoHS standards.

The visit confirmed the plant is a leader in manufacturing pharmaceutical products across the globe, complies to required environmental standards, and that modern working conditions are being provided to all employees. Since the visit to the manufacturing plant in China, a collaborative and mutually respectful partnership has been established with the plant owner and designers to further perfect product features and quality. To attain final product, from concept to samples, over a dozen versions of the Paint Pot Pro® were proposed, and pressure tests and quality control conducted. In addition to the design and manufacture of the Paint Pot Pro®, Australian owned and operated companies have been commissioned to develop marketing campaigns and packaging material to support product launch into the market.

Design Excellence

The Paint Pot Pro® is highly functional. It extends on the capabilities of other like products on the market by providing innovative 14-features in its multi-use design. Each feature has a specific purpose to be used by painters during painting tasks, and is made from high-quality materials. This way, the painter has confidence in the products quality and multi-use. The product is specifically designed to be used by both left-and right-hand users, for painting on/off ladders, and along-side existing painting products on the market. The eco-friendly recyclable pot liners enable painters to conveniently change paint colours.

The pot liners are made from high-quality 100% recyclable plastics, and their durability enables them to be re-used multiple times-minimising plastic waste. The product is a cost-effective solution to buying one painting tool rather than many, and is priced to suit DIY beginners through to professional painters. Its durability ensures many years of use, and compliments existing painting tools on the market, hence people are not forced to purchase additional products or waste those they have. The angle of the brush-rest is calculated specifically so that the bristles of the brush rest above the paint in the pot. The concealed magnets within the angled brush-rest further prevent the brush from falling into the pot. These features enable the painter to pause painting and carry the pot without the brush falling into the paint.

The pot can be used in five ways including:

  • by hand with handle attached;
  • pushing clip over a waist-belt;
  • looping a belt through belt-clip/loop;
  • over ladder-strap;
  • and placed on surface area where a brush and mini-roller can be used.

The brush wiping-blade and mini-roller glides further support use. The Paint Pot Pro® is an innovative world first as demonstrated by the granting of an Australian Patent, and World International Patent Authority.

Design Innovation

Falling off ladders during painting tasks is a global health concern responsible for significant injury and death. The Paint Pot Pro® is a world first to enable the painter to safely ascent and descent on a ladder, pause during painting whilst on a ladder, abide by the three point of contact rule, and conduct painting tasks. These actions are achieved via the magnetised brush rest and belt-clip loops and are a truly innovative solution supporting painters to maintain a minimum of one hand on the ladder at all times. The Paint Pot Pro® is an innovative world first as demonstrated by the granting of an Australian Patent, and World International Patent Authority.

There is no comparable painters’ tool in the global market with the features and design of the Paint Pot Pro®. It is entirety, the product comprises: Pot Features:

  • Left and right belt-clip loops to be used in various ways e.g. on waist belt or on ladder strap
  • Angled magnetised brush rest
  • Wiping blade *Mini-roller glide and holders
  • 1,500ML’s of paint volume
  • Reusable/replaceable pot liner made from 100% recyclable plastics Multi-Use Tool Handle Features
  • Attachable/detachable tool handle
  • Mullet to close paint tins
  • Left and right paint tin opener
  • Brush and roller cleaner
  • Measurement and gauge guide
  • Scraping blade
  • Beer bottle opener

The overall product design makes the above features extremely user friendly and versatile. The features of the Paint Pot Pro® can be viewed on our website as a 360 rotation imaging. Clicking on the right hand side play button will take you to our animation video. Website link:

Design Impact

The social and economic ramifications of deaths and injury from ladder falls are extensive. There is the primary impact of a life lost, or the on-going trauma resulting from injury. There is also secondary trauma suffered by family and friends. Further, there are broader societal impacts including additional pressures on the health care sector and loss of productivity due to injury. The Paint Pot Pro® makes a positive social impact through its safety design features.

The Paint Pot Pro® makes a positive environmental impact through its eco-friendly and RoHS approved design. Further, the high-quality of the product maximises product-life and in-turn unnecessary waste. The Paint Pot Pro® makes a positive commercial impact to the State of Victoria and Australia. We are an Australian owned and operated company with profits staying here. It is a challenging task to create an innovative product in a world of large multi-national companies that dominate the painting market.

The Paint Pot Pro® challenges the existing market by introducing a novel and Patented product. The product has been made using processes that have the least possible environmental impact in their manufacture (RoHS approved). The plastics used are eco-friendly; and pot liner being made from 100% recycle plastics, are of high-quality, enabling them to be used and re-used.

Overall, we are proud of the invention and the work that has gone into moving the product from concept to reality. We have been patient in product design and never compromising on quality of the product and materials used. Our collaborative approach with Australian designers are a tribute to what can be achieved. We are proud members of the State of Victoria and have benefited enormously from the skills and knowledge of people that live in this State and their support.

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