SmileyscopeMRI followed an Agile design process to create a novel way to prepare patients for MRI. Firstly we brought a cross-disciplinary team and clinical experts from leading hospitals together to determine the design requirements.
We wanted to ensure the experience was:
- Age-appropriate content for ages 4yrs+
- Flexible design for patients of all abilities (i.e. adjustable volume, works sitting up or lying down)
- Engaging, immersive and accurately simulated the MRI sounds
- Clinical usability (i.e. quick startup time, easy to clean)
- Gamified to encourage patients to keep still, including head tracking to produce an overall ‘stillness score’ to predict patient performance in real MRI
- Low cost, reusable solution Secondly, we workshopped with clinicians and patients to brainstorm concepts and develop storyboards to provide fun and informative ways to learn about MRIs.
- For clinicians, the user experience was designed to be easy-to-use, and provide information to help them assess the patient’s needs and likely response in a real MRI scan.
- For patients, we designed the experience to be intuitive, immersive, and to resonate with a broad range of abilities and interests. Younger patients loved the idea of going into the ‘giant donut’ and having a bakery adventure where they are encouraged to stay still to stack and decorate baked goods. Older children wanted to reimagine the MRI scan as a space adventure where they spot planets and alien animals through holding their telescope still.
- The adventures were weaved in with accessible information about the different steps of the MRI scan, positive reinforcement and coping skills. Thirdly, the designs were professionally built in VR while we continually reviewed the design brief and priorities. Based on patient and clinician user testing, we had many iterations where we sharpened the visual, audio and interactive cues, before launching the product to hospitals.