Strategy: We conducted a strategy workshop with the team at Craft Victoria, closely examining the brief and generating a comprehensive overview of the project goals, objectives, vision, priorities, risks and opportunities. We created personas to represent Craft's key audiences, ensuring the needs of each group were not just being met, but anticipated. We worked collaboratively with Craft to develop a new site IA which simplified the navigation and content and aligned to the direct user needs.
Design: The website design has 3 facets: the main website which would welcome the majority of visitors, the maker portal for artists, and the online store for retail customers. To mirror the feeling of a physical gallery and event space, we utilised plenty of white space and a minimal colour palette, ensuring the designs supported the beautiful, lush hero imagery (as opposed to competing with it). We restyled and restructured the online store, improving navigation between the store and the main website. We also enabled Craft to embed shop items (individually and as collections), as well as workshops and events with prices and “buy now” buttons for quick purchases.
Development: As well as ensuring the website met the 3 key criteria, we wanted the platform to give control back to the Craft team, and allow them to update and enhance the site independently as needed. The existing site sprawled across a huge number of pages and page types, and the navigation was complex and opaque. We created a robust site structure and a set of powerful modular templates which would enable Craft to create a wide variety of page designs without designing them from scratch every time.