Finalist 2019


Isobar / Worksafe

With 162,000+ workplace injuries in the last year and a changing employment landscape, WorkSafe recognized the need to transform the way they service the community and become Client-centric, prevention led and intelligence-driven.

We partnered with WorkSafe to deliver their 2030 Digital Service Blueprint, focused on:

  • Rallying WorkSafe staff and stakeholders around an experience vision and principles
  • Creating a scalable framework for the varied services they deliver
  • Providing strategy and requirements for 28+ future state experiences including the future of Recovery
  • Established the human-centered foundation for a CX program including data measurement framework and employee experience strategy

Design Excellence

WorkSafe’s mission is to bring Victorian workers home safe everyday. To help them achieve this ambition with future state services, we engaged and designed for a broad range of diverse citizens and stakeholders. Including, but not limited to, injured workers, loved-ones of those killed in the workplace, health care practitioners aiding in the return-to-work process and registered training organizations educating the public – this truly is design that touches everyone.

Our designed services are technically feasible and scheme viable, while focusing on social impact to reduce deaths, injuries and return to work time for all Victorian workers.

Design Impact

This work has had tremendous impact on the organization and stands to create meaningful social impact in the lives of all Victorians.

Enhancing and innovating crucial services – this design aims to reduce deaths and injuries in the workplace, return injured workers to life and minimize unintentional damage that can arise through policy, system and process shortcomings. In close collaboration with WorkSafe, we have taken an experience-led approach to the 2030 transformation that will allow them to reduce operational costs, focus investment on value and improve the client experience.

Design Transformation

This work is literally a blueprint for the transformation of one of Victoria’s most important social services.

Through a human-centred approach to this program of work, we have anchored one of the nation’s most significant transformation efforts in the needs and desired outcomes of the community.
This work seeks to improve the community outcomes for Victorians, and to improve the operational and organizational health of WorkSafe, ensuring that it can maintain itself as viable social infrastructure into the future.

The blueprint details not only citizen requirements but technological, people, and organisational capabilities that are required to fulfil the future-state direction.

Design Innovation

This work paves the way for managing the delivery of services in a complex, multi-service organisation.

dling complex services, but little work exists focused on designing multiple services in a complex environment to enable effective scaling, re-usability and efficiency.

We believe that we have created one of the first design systems for services. By breaking down services and identifying common capabilities, service ‘modules’ and shared interactions, we are able to create building blocks that can ensure WorkSafe can efficiently deliver consistent and congruent services to the community.

Other Key Features

We worked in blended, cross-functional Isobar/WorkSafe teams engaging their broad stakeholder network through co-design sessions and validation workshops.

Beyond typical design artefacts, we delivered requirements across services through a Service Catalogue and Capabilities repository - streamlining the shift from design to delivery.

We engaged employers, injured workers and providers across the system to uncover their needs,and validate our designs through rapid prototyping and feedback.

We also delivered a human-centred analytics piece which unites complex data sources across the organization, orients them to the services we have designed and provides impact measurement that helps WorkSafe measure its true efficacy.

Service Design 2019 Finalists

Co-Designing Authentic Narratives with Darebin Youth Services

Darebin Youth Services, City of Darebin / Public Journal / Hilary Walker Photography


Monash University, Faculty of Art Design and Architecture / Plan International / Crowspot

Justice Connect Gateway Project

Justice Connect / Today Design


PluginHUMAN (Justin Dwyer and Betty Sargeant)

GovMap User Discovery and Roadmap Design

ThinkPlace / Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Our Languages Matter Workshops

ThinkPlaceVictorian Aboriginal Heritage Council (VAHC) / Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) / ThinkPlace

Alchemy – Monash x Alpha60

Local Peoples / Monash University - Department of Materials Science & Engineering / Alpha60